More About Starting Affiliate Marketing

More About Starting Affiliate Marketing!

These days, many of us would love to quit our jobs, work from
home, and be our own boss.

However, the reality of making enough to replace our secure
incomes that we rely on, stops most of us. In fact the vast majority
of us cannot get a business off the ground due to 2 main issues;
1. The first being money to get started, and
2. The second being the risk of not having a steady income

Starting even a small ‘brick and mortar’ business takes a fair  amount of money.
You need to buy or rent premises, purchase your stock, office and
store equipment  and pay staff as soon as you have them. You will also have other
outside expenses  such as advertising, etc.

These risk factors kill the dreams of most would be business owners.
Even if you’re lucky enough to get the capital to start, nearly 90%
of all small  businesses fail in the first year. If yours is one of the few, you
have to keep reinvesting your time and money to build up the businesses reputation.
It could be anywhere from 5-7 years before any significant profit is seen.
Most of us cannot wait that long which is what makes Affiliate Marketing
such an attractive strategy, to get started with.

Affiliate marketing involves you, working as an affiliate for a
merchant or company. You sell either goods or services and you’re
paid on sale you make for them. They provide the product or service,
they provide the customer support, and there are almost no costs and
no risks to you. All you do is set up a webpage with the offer, and
your affiliate link, and then send people to it.

However, It really isn’t quite that simple. Running an Affiliate Marketing
business can also be challenging.
You WILL have to work very hard to build it up. The good thing is…
That you’ll be rewarded for all your hard work, and NOT someone else.

Getting started in internet based Affiliate Marketing does have some
costs, although, they are very low costs, compared to starting up almost
any other business:

These initial costs include:

  • Domain name registration
  • Website Hosting
  • Emailing List Management service
  • Paid Traffic to your site, if you wish to move ahead fast
  • And a Huge amount of Your Time!

We will be posting more detailed articles on each of these over the
coming weeks, so come back often, and see what is new!

The truth is… It is ALL down to YOU and how much time and investment
you can and want to put into it. There is no sure fire way to
immediate success, but there are some really good tutorials and eCourses that
you can follow to make your Affiliate Marketing business as successful as
possible, and as soon as possible.

The big thing you must do, is take it Step-by-Step, set your goals,
break these down into achievable chunks, and plan your business strategy to meet
those goals, one by one.

If you don’t plan it out, you will go around in circles, and get nowhere fast.

My last comment on this… Is that you can do it, many already have,
just make your decision to get started, and TAKE ACTION!

Thanks for reading, and
All the Best!
Pete Bentzen

About The Author


I live in Perth Western Australia with my wife Theresa, a couple big dogs and lots of birds. My main hobbies are Veggie growing and Woodwork. Offline... I am an experienced pump systems engineer, currently working as a senior mechanical engineer for a Mining Equipment manufacturer/supplier. Online... I am an Internet Marketer, with main focus currently on I.M. Niche, but starting to prepare sites in the Health & Fitness niche and some hobby niches.


  • Shaneman

    Reply Reply September 25, 2015

    Hi Pete,

    You are so right – we all need to set our goals and break them down into achievable chunks and take action.

    Affiliate marketing does take some work, especially on the traffic and setting things up side of things – but taking regular consistent action can produce incredible results over the long term.

    • pbentzen

      Reply Reply September 26, 2015

      Hey Shane,
      Thanks for dropping by, and for your comments.

      I hope you’re going well with your site, It is looking good.


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